Earthbound Technology

What we grow changes the world.

Earthbound Technology began youth internships in 2019, with a goal to assist local students in attaining the skills necessary to
have a successful career in the tech industry.
We take a holistic approach to our business strategies for clients and we apply that approach to our internships.

We believe that learn-by-doing experience is the cornerstone to success in any career.

Choosing A Technology Path

The biggest advantage of choosing a technology career is that it has a low cost of education as compared to other career choices. 

The reason for that is simple – motivation.  

You have to be self motivated to continue learning, the tech industry is constantly advancing and you have to be able to keep up.

Depending on the job, some companies may value experience, subject matter knowledge and technical certifications over a 4-year degree.  Practical experience is truly worth it’s weight in gold.  

Finding where you fit in is also an important aspect to choosing a rewarding career.

Do what suits your personality! 

Some people are very social and excel in a role like sales or marketing and might even enjoy project management. Others might like the challenge of troubleshooting and problem solving in a software support or testing role.

Develop Your Career Skills

Below are three additional areas where you should also focus your learning to help you become an asset to any employer.  


Communication plays a huge part of your success in any technology job.  Being able to clearly articulate verbally, and in writing, is essential in every stage of product development and production support.  Effectively presenting your ideas, and even defending your objections, to your peers and senior leadership can really set you apart from others.


Multi-tasking is a skill that is becoming a main requirement for most positions in tech.  As companies adopt LEAN or AGILE methodologies for projects, they see less staff able to fill multiple roles by cross-training several positions to ensure there is no knowledge gap.  It is essential you learn how to prioritize and organize your tasks effectively and productively.


Being adaptable is another skill that can set you apart from others when a change in strategy is required.  Being able to remain composed and working a difficult challenge efficiently through to a solution makes you valuable on any team, regardless of your position.  A ‘cool head’ in these situations is essential for those wanting to be in a management or leadership role.


Android & Apple iOS Mobile App Design

Automated Testing

Business Branding & Marketing

Business Management Consulting

Production Support

Project Management

Social Media Management

Software Programming & Development

Software QA Testing

Software Sales

Technical Service Delivery & Training

Web User Interface Programming & Development


Earthbound Technology

PO Box 253

Orland, CA 95963

(530) 235-6009

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